Monday, March 18, 2013

pannenkoeken bij Oudt Leiden mit nieuwe vrienden

Friday night we actually had a social life!  Oudt Leiden is a traditional pancake house that is touted to have the best pancakes in town.  Marie and Brandon took us there for our first pancakes of our trip.  I met Marie online, she answered all of my questions about bikes and the terrors of riding in this town before we arrived and facilitated us buying bikes within a day after we arrived.  Both Marie and Brandon grew up in Oregon and now live in Leiden, Marie for 12 years and Brandon for 3. 

Now, the pancakes.  They're huge, meant to be a dinner meal.  Yep, pancakes for DINNER.  A dream from childhood.  They're a little like pizzas, you can get all kinds of different stuff on top, sweet (like Liam's pineapple) or savory (like mine: ham, bacon, cheese, veggies), and then they have the special children's menu with Clownspannenkoek met Snoepjes:  pancake with soft candy.  YES, SOFT CANDY for DINNER!  And yep, there is the bottle of syrup on the table to smother them if you'd like.  Syrup on a savory pancakes is quite the dinner treat.
Kai's pancake had raisins, apple, almond paste, sugar and cinnamon.  Straight home to brush teeth. 
Yes, huge.  That thing was as big as my body.

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