Saturday, March 9, 2013

Onze Eerste Zaterdag van Leiden

Our first Saturday in Leiden turned out koud en regenachtig, it took us awhile to get out of the huis to explore. 
This is the southern gate to the Burcht originally built in 1203.  It lies in the very center of Leiden with narrow allies and shops.  The Burcht, which is through the gate and up a hill (we'll explore that on a warmer, drier day), is a medieval fortification, a stone structure that sits on top of a motte, the historical center of the town.  The Bibliotheek of Leiden is immediately to the right of this gate.

Egg chair in the library! 

Hot chocolate taken at a cafe on Vismarkt alongside the Rijn canal.  Nice to warm up on a cold and rainy day, our first Saturday in Leiden!

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