Thursday, March 7, 2013

First Days in Leiden

A quick overnight flight from Portland to Amsterdam, nonstop smiles and a few zzzs.  The night was quick, not the flight. 

After an afternoon nap, a first walk in Leiden.

Dinner at Karalis, an Italian restaurant with great pizza.

Buying feitsen at Gijs 2e Hands Fietsen. 

Who knew that you needed feits to get around in Holland?  I thought we just needed some bikes. Four functioning feitsen made us feel like natives.  And then we rode away from the shop: between all the pedestrians, the thousands of other bikers, European car drivers, the narrow and sometimes cobblestone streets, I felt like an uncoordinated American having an anxiety attack.  Maybe it was just the newly purchased, wobbly Grannybike.  Or maybe the fact that we are the only bikers wearing helmets -- even the babies riding in handlebar seats are bare-headed.  It does feel good to be liberated from the car:  We need only our bikes, the trains and buses to easily get anywhere in the country.  


  1. This blog is GREAT! Sounds as though you've already had amazing adventures! You all look so happy. Have fun. Keep blogging. Wish we could be there but we'll live with you vicariously. Can almost smell that pizza and feel the wind in my hair as you zoom along on your feitzen....

    1. I like your comment, I hope you keep commenting! love, Kai

  2. Hi Kai,
    Thanks. Every time I go to this blog and see all your wonderful experiences, I want to be there with you. Loved seeing you and Liam with Johan Top. And the hot chocolate....mmmmmmmmm!
    Say hi to Liam, Eric and Juliet for me. Can you say hello in Dutch??? Noticed a little Dutch when you wrote about leaving the huis....figured that meant that right?
    Love, Dotty

    1. It's Kai! I'm still putting posts up! Hope you keep commenting! good evening in Dutch is goedenavond -- Eric and I just used Google Translate to figure that out.

      Anyway, good evening. Huis in Dutch is house in English.

      Did you sell the house?

      love, Kai (& Eric)
